Americans prepare for disaster

4 Responses

  1. TodaysSurvivalShow

    I think this is great. It's good to see Preppers get some air play. I'm glad the reporter didn't try to paint Survivalists as wacko, paranoid people. Cedrick seemed to think survivalists are weird, but not the reporter. People are extremely frustrated and it's entirely possible that violence could occur at some point. Joe Parrish actually seems to be a level headed person and is probably more correct than a lot of people want to admit. Glad you posted this.

    • Survivalspot

      Yeah me too, it seems like any time preppers get onto TV it's in a negative light. It's good to see a little more balanced reporting on the subject.

  2. PathAcross

    I agree.. they did a good job portraying survivalists in a good way. I watch for survival topics in the news as well and it seems to be popping up more frequently. Here's a story from ABC that uses the volcano in Iceland to show how hardly anyone has a "plan B" in case anything bad happens. It doesn't mention prepping or survivalism explicitly, but they do show some clips of people who would do well in an emergency..


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