Meet Your Neighbor, The Survivalist

**Also see our article on Mainstream Survivalism

2 Responses

  1. Preparedness Pro

    It's great to be seeing more segments on urban survivalists in the news. Was I the only one that noticed the mocking tone in the first journalist's voice? What if the neighbors attack? Evidently he's taken that into account, as should every prepper. Emergency preparedness is not complete without adequate firearms to protect what's yours. It's one thing to share with neighbors, but if MS-13 starts knocking on your door and decides they want to take your daughter, too? Not on my watch, thank you very much.

    • Survivalspot

      Great point. It's almost worse to have survivalism stories that have a negative connotation than none at all. Then you have people who see preparedness as "strange". Just looking at how quickly food would run out in the grocery stores after a day or two is enough for a logical person to prepare.


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