How is this made?

Here is a great stand up comedy piece by Joe Rogan talking about how today, people don’t know how to make anything.


Although, it is comedy, the point is straightforward, we don’t know how anything is made. We have put so much trust into the service industry that we ourselves don’t know how to fix anything. So if anything breaks, we just buy it new because it is easier plus we don’t have the time to fix it or learn anything new.

I always hear my mom telling me that years ago, people used to know how to do everything. Actually, when I was younger my dad kept telling me to learn a bit of everyone because it is for my own good, and you never know when you will need it. Sure, I was young and knew everything so I just brushed it off, but seeing the world today, I think that advice was the best thing ever.

I mean let’s consider some things here:

  • Do people know how to grow food
  • Making fire
  • Staying warm and dry

This would be the most important thing to be worried about yet we rely on others (the supermarket) to supply us the food. On top of that, because we get ourself deep in debt, we now demand lower prices but yet we forget what consequences that has to the food quality.

6 Responses

  1. MikeJ

    "Here is a great stand up comedy piece by Joe Rogan"? Could have got your point across without the video link. He is right on though about being dumb cause he can't figure out how to get a laugh with his content so he needs to spew tons of profanity. otherwise point well taken. We are for the most part going to have a heap of useless junk because everything is pretty specialized it is hard to repair a lot stuff. Easy to replace parts to say a computer but it would be tough to fix some parts if they failed.

  2. Bill W.

    You couldn't be more on the head than with this. We've become a nation of thinkers who no longer know how to do. Great post.

    Bill W.

  3. longhunter

    This is a relatively easy problem to overcome- JUST GET OFF THE COUCH & LEARN! There are so many sources of knowledge available today v. 10 years ago, there is NO excuse to not know how to repair, fix or make something.

    • Tim

      I agree! Live and Learn…..Learn and live!


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