What Everyone Should Know About Seed Preservation

MansantoSustainable agriculture soon to be a thing of the past? Very likely if Monsanto has their way…

In an ongoing effort that seems to be an attempt by Monsanto to patent nature itself, the company has used genetic modification to systematically undermine organic, sustainable agriculture all over the world. Organic crops of non-hybrid, heirloom seeds that have been a part of our nations rich agricultural history for generations, are now going extinct. By modifying these crops to self destruct after only one planting, Monsanto intends to force consumers to repurchase their seeds season over season, year after year. Thus creating a total monopoly over the entire food system.

Monsanto, the same chemical company that brought us Agent Orange, DDT, PCB’s and other toxins want complete control of our nations food system? I’m sure I don’t need to point out the reasons why this is cause for concern.

Many are under the impression that GMO seeds and organic seeds can coexist. However the facts have shown that this is not the case:

Once released into the environment, genetically modified seed contaminates organic seed for the same crop. For example, soon after Monsanto introduced genetically modified seed for canola, organic canola became virtually extinct as a result of contamination. Organic corn, soybeans, cotton, sugar beets and alfalfa now face the same fate, as Monsanto has released genetically modified seed for each of those crops, too. Monsanto is developing genetically modified seed for many other crops, thus putting the future of all food, and indeed all agriculture, at stake.
Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association

Over 300,000 organic farmers have joined forces to file suit against Monsanto for systematic undermining of independent farmers coast to coast. We should all be concerned with the outcome of this lawsuit as it may just be one of the last chances we have to keep a portion of the worlds seed supply organic. Just imagine the fate our world might face if the entire natural food supply becomes contaminated with Monsanto’s transgenic seeds. It would be the end of sustainable agriculture as we know it.

The World According To Monsanto

Why We Should Support Non-GMO Seed Preservation

Heirloom Seeds Are Far Superior to GMO Seeds

victory gardenHeirloom seeds, handed down from generation to generation, provide a richness of flavor, complexity and nutrition that many hybrids lack. While they are slightly more expensive, you only ever need to buy one pack of seeds. Simply allow one plant from each crop to reach full maturity and harvest the seeds to provide sustainable gardening year after year. Plants started from non-GMO, heirloom seeds are also much more resistant to short periods without water. Lack of water may lead to lower fruit production in heirloom plants while their hybrid cousins will simply shrivel up and die.

While purchasing the less expensive hybrid seeds saves you money up front, you will wish you sprang for the heirloom varieties when you’re restarting your garden every year once the hybrid seeds self-destruct. Alright, they don’t actually spontaneously explode, and you can still technically harvest and restart the seeds. However results are usually less than ideal with some seeds not sprouting at all. Those that do sprout are usually spindly and weak compared to the mother plant.

Seed Diversification Helps to Avert Disaster

Growing and preserving heirloom seeds helps to ensure that humans will not be forced to rely on only a handful of plant types for survival. Depending on too few plant varieties for survival has proven to be a recipe for disaster as we saw with Irish potato famine in the 1840s.

Grow and Can Your Own Food

Heirloom Seeds an Important part of Preserving Our Nations Legacy

Heirloom seeds are named as such because they can be traced back to their origins, connecting us to our own heritage. The heirloom seed movement preserves seeds used by ancient Meso-american and Native American peoples along with seeds brought across the Atlantic by early immigrant populations from all over the world.

Garden at monticello

One of the central techniques contributing to the success of the Thomas Jefferson garden is the focus on soil health and fertility by regular additions of organic matter.

Thomas Jefferson was an avid gardener who understood the importance of using and preserving heirloom seeds. His garden at Monticello reminds us today of the important role agriculture has played in the development of this country. The 1,000-foot kitchen garden is legendary for the variety and scale of its vegetable production. Growing more than 330 vegetables and 170 varieties of fruit, many of the procedures and practices Jefferson observed and recorded are still in use today as sustainable organic gardening methods.

Heirloom Seed Preservation Movement May Be the Solution

The heirloom seed movement works to preserve plants that are adapted to specific soils of place, adaptable to climates, resistant to local pests and diseases, and produce healthier, more flavorful food. Saving and sharing heirloom seed encourages genetic plant diversity which gives us reliable food security.

Join the heirloom seed preservation movement today and do your part to help save the agricultural industry from complete privatization and corporate takeover.

How to Join the Movement:

Purchase a non-GMO Seed Bank from SeedsNow. This all inclusive package of quality heirloom survival seeds gives you everything you need to get started on your own non-GMO survival garden.

Learn to store and preserve heirloom seeds

Join a Seed Swapping Club

Victory Garden Patriotic



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